When purchased with a logic analyzer, the application software you order is installed on the instrument hard drive. If you need to add application support after your initial logic analyzer purchase or are controlling a logic analyzer from a host PC, you must install the appropriate software before you can make measurements.

To install the application software you have downloaded, select Start, Run… SetupIAArm11ETMxxxxxxxx.exe (where xxxxxxxx is the version number), OK

Keysight empfiehlt die Verwendung der aktuellen Version, die die neuesten verfügbaren Fehlerbehebungen und Sicherheitspatches enthält.
Veröffentlichungsdatum Version Versionsbeschreibung
2010-10-14 04.00 For installing the compatible ARM11 ETM and ARM7/9 ETM decoder software package.
Veröffentlichungsdatum Version
2010-10-14 04.00
Version Description
For installing the compatible ARM11 ETM and ARM7/9 ETM decoder software package.

How to Download

  • Click the download button, select file and save.

How to Install

  • To install the application software you have downloaded, select Start, Run SetupIAArm11ETMxxxxxxxx.exe where xxxxxxxx is the version number , OK


  • Requires a License

Installs on: PC / Instrument

Operating System

  • Windows XP
  • Windows XP SP2
  • Windows XP SP3


  • 16800 series and 16900 series Logic Analyzers
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