N1913A and N1914A EPM Series Power Meters E-Series and 8480 Series Power Sensors


Supports all average power sensors and their frequency range

  • The power range depends on the connected power sensor
  • Measurement speed: Up to 400 readings/sec with E-Series sensors
  • Absolute accuracy: ± 0.02 dB logarithmic, ± 0.5% linear
  • Relative accuracy: ± 0.04 dB logarithmic, ± 1% linear

Do More with New-Generation EPM Series Power Meters

Get up to four channels1 to speed and simplify RF average power measurements

Measure faster with improved measurement speed of 400 readings/sec with the Keysight Technologies, Inc. E-Series sensors

View test results more easily with the industry’s first color LCD readout in an average power meter

Go beyond GPIB with USB and LAN/LXI-C interfaces

Automate frequency/power sweep measurements with the optional external trigger in/out feature

Easily replace existing 436A, 437B and 438A meters with optional 43x code compatibility2

Enhance manufacturing test by connecting a large external monitor with the unique VGA output option

As signals become more complex, it becomes more difficult to make fast, accurate power measurements. For years, you’ve depended on Keysight’s EPM Series power meters. Today, the Keysight N1913A and N1914A EPM Series power meters are versatile, user- friendly replacements for the discontinued E4418B/19B EPM Series. Best of all, you get these extras for about the same price. Get consistent results and greater capability—with the new EPM Series power meters.

Using EPM Series with BenchVue Software

The EPM Series is supported by the Keysight BenchVue software’s BV0007B Power Meter/Sensor Control and Analysis app. Keysight BenchVue software for the PC accelerates testing by providing intuitive, multiple instrument measurement visibility and data capture with no programming necessary. You can derive answers faster than ever by easily viewing, capturing and exporting measurement data and screen shots. BenchVue software license (BV0007B) is now included with your instrument

N1914A front panel

High-resolution color LCD in an average power meter

Display keys select the display format for the active window (single/split screen)

Hard keys provide quick access to the most frequently used functions, such as Trigger and Acquisition

Soft keys provide menu selection

Arrow keys and Select allow positioning of the cursor for character selection and editing

Numeric keypad

Run/Stop enables single-shot measurements

Cal enables fully automatic digital zeroing (corrected for residual offsets) and fully automatic sensor calibration

Power reference (0 dBm, 50 MHz)

Channel A&B sensor connectors

USB port for additional sensor connection (Optional)

N1914A back panel

  • Rear-panel sensor and Power Ref connectors provide an option to replace front-panel connector
  • VGA output (optional)
  • Trigger in and out connectors (for automated power or frequency sweep function) (optional)
  • DC recorder outputs (0-1 V)
  • USB port
  • LAN port
  • Line power accepts voltage with automatic range selection
  • GPIB connector
  • USB port for additional sensor connection

N1913A/14A EPM Series Power Meters Performance Characteristics

Specifications describe the instrument’s warranted performance and apply after a 30 minute warm-up. These specifications are valid over its operating/environmental range unless otherwise stated and after performing a zero and calibration procedure.

Supplemental characteristics (shown in italics) are intended to provide additional information, useful in applying the instrument by giving typical (expected), but not warranted performance parameters. These characteristics are shown in italics or labeled as “typical,” “nominal” or “approximate

E-Series Power Sensor Specifications

The E-Series of power sensors have their calibration factors stored in EEPROM and operate over a wide dynamic range. They are designed for use with the EPM Series of power meters and two classes of sensors are available:

  • CW power sensors (E4412A and E4413A)
  • Average power sensors (E9300 sensors)