5 Tactics to Win the 5G Smartphone Device Volume Demand

White Papers

Mobile network operators (MNOs) around the world have set aggressive targets for 5G mobile network deployments — eager to deliver new services to consumers. Operators must deploy 5G networks and need 5G devices to capture 5G market opportunities. Many device makers announced their new lineup of 5G smartphones in 2019. 


High-volume 5G device manufacturing is imminent. Increasing throughput while controlling the cost of test will be the top priority. In the context of 5G, added pressure comes from accelerating timelines and high technical complexity. 5G introduces significant disruption in the mobile communications industry with a shift to millimeterwave (mmWave) frequencies, wider bandwidths, and over-the-air (OTA) test methods.


Disruption provides the opportunity for market challengers to displace incumbents. Device makers need to accelerate their time to market to win the 5G race. In the manufacturing cycle of the device workflow, new strategies are necessary to meet ever-challenging goals and tighter schedules. This white paper highlights tactics that enable device makers to succeed in high-volume manufacturing of 5G devices by accelerating their time to market and reducing the cost of test.