SL1040A-EM2 Charging Discovery System EMC EVSE Test

Data Sheets


This data sheet describes the EMC optimized Charging Discovery System (CDS) for EVSE testing.

CDS for EVSE testing is used inside an anechoic chamber for immunity and emission tests (conducted or radiated) of electric vehicle charging infrastructure (such as DC charging stations), during AC or DC charging.

Due to the special EMC shielded design and the built-in low-noise components, CDS emission is reduced to a minimum level. This enables EMC testing of EVSEs under real charging conditions without environmental interferences. Furthermore, the EMC series of the CDS is immune to external electro-magnetic fields and can be placed close to the specimen during immunity tests.

For EV test, see the data sheet “Scienlab Charging Discovery System - EMC series for EV test”.

The EMC variant is software compatible with the portable CDS. However, Keysight designed it for reliable charging emulation, without extended fault injection required for conformance testing.

SL1040A-EM2 Charging Discovery System EMC Series for EVSE Test

This data sheet describes the shielded CDS variant designed for EMC compliance and homologation tests. This product is the main module and can be extended by optional communication modules (see SL1040A-301, SL1040A-302, SL1040A-303).

Figure 2 below shows a three-dimensional view of the shielded housing. During operation the housing is permanently closed with a lid.

General Functions

  • Reliable, interoperable emulation of the EV charging communication controller (EVCC); verified by thousands of successful charging sessions with most commercially available EVSE products
  • Easy configuration of charging protocol and operating point through Windows control software Charging Discover (see also corresponding data sheet) or optionally via customer automation software (using the CDS remote interface)
  • Real-time capable control PC with high system performance and low dead times. Note: IPC is placed typically outside of the EMC chamber (see section “Real-time PC”)
  • Portable shielded “galvanized metal” case with grounding contact springs
  • Isolated interface to Real-time PC via Optical Data Converter (see section “Optical Data Converter”)
  • Direct support of Scienlab/Keysight power sources and sinks

Standards and directives

CDS supports the following charging communication standards:

The basic functions include:

  • AC charging mode according to IEC 61851-1 (PWM)
  • AC charging mode according to SAE J1772 (PWM)
  • AC charging mode according to GB/T 18487 (PWM)

The following are available when ordering communication modules:

  • DC fast charging mode according to DIN SPEC 70121 & ISO 15118
  • AC charging mode according to ISO 15118
  • DC fast charging mode according to GB/T 27930
  • DC fast charging mode according to CHAdeMO

EMC performance

  • EMC optimized case for emission and immunity testing
  • Immunity of CDS rated up to 200 V/m (30 Mhz to 1 Ghz)