E5063A ENA Vector Network Analyzer

Data Sheets


Specification (spec.):

Warranted performance. All specifications apply at 23 ºC (± 5 ºC), unless otherwise stated, and 90 minutes after the instrument has been turned on. Specifications include guard bands to account for the expected statistical performance distribution, measure­ment uncertainties, and changes in performance due to environmental conditions.

Typical (typ.):

Expected performance of an average unit which does not include guardbands. It is not covered by the product warranty.

General characteristics:

A general, descriptive term that does not imply a level of performance.

Boundary Conditions

In this data sheet, boundary conditions are given for the specifications. For example, system dynamic range is 68 dB with the following boundary condition.

Frequency: 300 kHz

IF bandwidth: 3 kHz

If the same boundary conditions fall under more than one category in a table, apply the best value.