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D9010EMBP Embedded Protocol Decode/Trigger Software for USB 2.0, 10/100 ETH, PCIe 2/1 for Infiniium Oscilloscopes
Embedded protocol decode/trigger software for USB 2.0, 10/100 ETH, PCIe 2/1, and more
Starting from
D9010EMBP includes the following powerful protocol decode and trigger software: PCI Express Gen 1 and Gen 2, USB 1.1, USB 2.0, eUSB2, USB HSIC, USB-PD, 10BASE-T Ethernet, and 100BASE-TX Ethernet.
- Set up your scope to show specific protocol decoding in less than 30 seconds
- Get access to a rich set of integrated protocol-level triggers
- Save time and eliminate errors by viewing packets at the protocol level
- Use time-correlated views to quickly troubleshoot serial protocol problems back to their timing or signal integrity root cause
- Refer to the data sheet when selecting your application of choice to ensure it is compatible with your oscilloscope
- Compatible with all Infiniium oscilloscopes with firmware 6.30 or greater
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The D9010EMBP
Embedded Protocol Decode/Trigger (USB2.0, 10/100 ETH, PCIe 2/1) software
comes pre-installed on Keysight Infiniium oscilloscopes, so there are
no files to download and install.

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