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Passende Inhalte
N7605EMBC PathWave Signal Generation For Real-Time Fading, Waveform Playback
Apply real-time fading on signals for receiver test
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Create signals that simulate realistic wireless communication channels with fading for receiver test with Keysight signal generators.
- Apply real-time SISO fading on Signal Studio waveforms for receiver tests with flexible fading parameters
- Select from different fading types, including Rayleigh, Rician, Suzuki, log normal, pure Doppler, and constant phase to simulate different propagation environments
- Use preconfigured setups for all important digital communication standards: W-CDMA, HSDPA, HSUPA, COST 259, TD-SCDMA, cdma2000«, cdmaOne, 1xEV-DO, GSM, EDGE, WLAN, TETRA, DVB, LTE, APCO25, and 802.11p V2V channel model
- KeysightCare software support subscription included
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