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Passende Inhalte
EXR204A Infiniium EXR-Series Oscilloscope: 2 GHz, 4 Channels
Powerful. Easy to Own. Intuitive to Use.
Vertrieben durch:
- Autorisierte Vertriebspartner
- Keysight Direct Sales
2 GHz on all 4 channels, 8 instruments integrated in one, hardware accelerated plotting, and fully upgradeable to 2.5 GHz and 8 channels
Bundle Application Software and Save
Save 40% on EXR application software bundles covering automotive, aerospace and defense, power, and more.
- 2 GHz on all 4 analog channels
- Faster test speeds than ever before with ASIC technology
- Accurate measurements with ENOB up to 9.0, noise as low as 43 µV
- Maximum memory is a flexible 1.6 G points
- Capabilities are extended with 7-in-1 instrument integration
- Upgradeable in every possible way – including bandwidth and channel upgrades
What's Included:
- One N2873A 500-MHz passive probe per channel
- Probe accessory pouch
- Localized power cord
- Front panel hard cover
- BNC calibration cable
- Keyboard and mouse
- Keysight I/O libraries suite, user guide and programmer’s guide ship on oscilloscope drive
- 1 year factory calibration certificate
- Service guide available on Keysight.com
Extend the Capabilities of Your Product
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