Advanced Calibration Techniques to improve Extinction Ratio Measurement in DCA-X and DCA-M


Extinction Ratio Measurement Fundamentals

Extinction ratio (ER) is a measurement that represents how well available laser power is converted to modulation power. Mathematically it is the ratio of the logic ‘1’ level to the logic ‘0’ level. If very little power is used to transmit a ‘0’ level relative to the ‘1’ level power, the ER will be high, an indication that the laser power is efficiently being used as modulation power. For PAM4 (Pulse Amplitude Modulation 4-level) signals the definition is similar, but the ratio is composed of the ‘3’ and ‘0’ levels. ER is a primary specification for every transmitter used in direct detection communication systems. Long span systems place a higher importance on ER and historically have required high values. Shorter span systems place less stringent requirements on ER.