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U4431U MIPI M-PHY Protocol Analyzer
MIPI M-PHY Protocol Analyzer
Starting from
U4431U is the model number used for all upgrades to the U4431A Exerciser.
Power to meet the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s designs
- Up to Gear 3 HS data rates
- Up to 16 GB trace depth
- Up to 4 data lanes
Complete insight into complex designs
- Track multiple M-PHY busses from the PHY to the application layer
- Raw Mode 8b/10b data views
- Infiniium Oscilloscope integration
- Powerful interface that allows unlimited customization of system views
Powerful triggers
- N-way if/then/else trigger branching with AND/OR logic
- Over 50 triggering macros
- PHY and protocol error triggers
- Event counters, flags, and timers
Flexible probing
- U4433A high-Z flying leads (connects to N5426A ZIF tips)
- U4432A low-Z SMA interface
Extend the Capabilities of Your Product
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