Maximize your return on investment with efficient bandwidth allocation using advanced spectrum management

The spectrum management solution combines a Keysight UXA, PXA, MXA, or EXA signal analyzer with an X-COM IQC5000B dual channel signal record and playback system. The solution allows network operators to record network activity over an extended period of time allowing the identification of errant users who are violating the bandwidth allocation rules and causing loss of revenue to the operator. With a spectrum management solution from Keysight and X-COM you can achieve higher return on your network investments.

  • Spectrum management solution
  • Allows efficient bandwidth allocation
  • Network operators can maximize their bandwidth ROI
  • Long duration storage of network data, up to days
  • Interfaces to Keysight X-Series signal analyzers
  • Achieve higher return on network investment
  • Request more information and Keysight’s partner, X-COM, will contact you to discuss your requirements in more detail.