Product Fact Sheets
Calibrate your VNA with Greater Precision and Higher Accuracy
Keysight electronic calibration (ECal) modules bring calibration to your vector network analyzers with just a single connection. ECal modules are controlled directly from the Keysight network analyzers; no external PC is required.
The Keysight N469xD Series microwave electronic calibration modules make calibration of Keysight vector network analyzers (VNAs) fast, easy, and accurate.
The N469XD Series ECal offers a DC option (Option 0DC) to extend the calibration frequency range down to DC, which makes it possible to calibrate a wide frequency from DC to 67 GHz without making numerous connections during the calibration process. This is beneficial for broadband device modeling or time domain and signal integrity.
For greater precision and higher accuracy measurements, consider the N469XD series ECal modules.
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