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E9327A E-Series Peak And Average Power Sensor, 50 MHz To 18 GHz
The E9327A power sensor has a 5-MHz video bandwidth and is ideal for time-gated peak, average, and peak-to-average ratio power measurements on W-CDMA wireless formats such as cdma2000.
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The E9327A diode power sensor has a 5-MHz video bandwidth and is ideal for time-gated peak, average, and peak-to-average ratio power measurements on W-CDMA wireless formats such as cdma2000.
- 5-MHz video bandwidth, ideal for E-CDMA and cdma2000 applications
- Fast measurement speed, up to 1000 corrected readings per second, via the GPIB
- Wide dynamic range
- Calibration factors, linearity, temperature, and bandwidth correction stored in EEPROM
- Precision type-N connector as standard
- Operates with the EPM-P (E4416A / 17A) series and P-Series (N1911A / 12A) power meters

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