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U1816A USB Coaxial Switch, DC to 8 GHz, Dual SP6T
Switch signals without physically changing the connections so you can perform multiple tests with the same setup
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- Allows switching of multiple signals without physically changing the connections, which decreases test time and increases throughput
- Reduces cost of test and ensures reliability of the test system with a guaranteed operating life of 5 million cycles (typical 10 million cycles)
- Minimizes crosstalk between channels with excellent isolation to ensure signal integrity
The Keysight U1816A is a switch matrix that consists of two single-pole-six-throw (SP6T) switches. It allows switching of multiple signal paths without physically changing the connections. This enables you to perform multiple tests with the same setup, eliminating frequent connects and disconnects. Automate the entire test process to increase throughput in high-volume production environments.

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