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S95007B Automatic Fixture Removal
Easily remove fixture effects from non-coaxial device measurements with this software compatible with M983xA and M980xA PXI Vector Network Analyzers.
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Many devices do not have coaxial connectors and so they are put in fixtures in order to measure them in a coaxial environment. You must accurately remove the effects of the fixture to get a good measurement of the device under test (DUT). This option adds a powerful application wizard to guide you through characterizing a fixture and removing it from the measurement. The S95007B software is compatible with M980xA PXI Vector Network Analyzers.
- Easily remove fixture effects from non-coaxial device measurements.
- Extract fixture S-parameters from 2x thru or one-port measurements.
- Step-by-step wizard helps you characterize the fixture and remove it from the measurements.
- Save de-embedded files in a variety of formats for later use.
Free Trials
- Get 30-day free trial license.
- Enables software application on your PXI VNA.

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