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Passende Inhalte
MSOX2002A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope: 70 MHz, 2 Analog Plus 8 Digital Channels
InfiniiVision 2000 X-Series 70 MHz oscilloscope provides 2 analog channels and 8 integrated digital channels, 100 kpts memory, and 200,000 waveforms/sec update rate
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InfiniiVision 2000 X-Series 70 MHz oscilloscope provides 2 analog channels and 8 integrated digital channels, 100 kpts memory, and 200,000 waveforms/sec update rate
- 70 MHz
- 2 analog plus 8 digital channels
- Easily view your signals on the 8.5-inch WVGA display
- Capture more data with up to 1 Mpts memory
- See more signal detail with 200,000 wfms/s update rate
- Expand your measurement capabilities with full upgradability: Add 20 MHz function generator, 3-digit voltmeter, serial trigger and analysis, segmented memory & mask testing at any time
- Easily set up teaching labs with our free Educator’s Resource Kit
- Standard 5-year warranty (90 days for unserialized accessories)
- Standard secure erase
- One N2862B 150 MHz 10:1 passive probe per channel
- N2755-60001 8-channel logic probe and accessory kit
- Built-in help language support for English, Japanese, simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Korean, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese and Italian
- Certificate of Calibration
- Documentation CD
- Interface language support GUI menus: English, Japanese, simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Korean, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Thai, Polish and Italian
- Localized power cord
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