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86120D Multi-Wavelength Meter
For the measurement of light sources and signals in wavelength ranges from 700 nm to 1700 nm, the 86120D offers a compelling set of features. This includes ±1.5 ppm accuracy (typical ±1 ppm) and a measurement cycle time of just 0.6 seconds.
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- Specified wavelength range: 700 – 1650 nm; operating wavelength range 700 – 1700 nm
- Absolute wavelength accuracy: ±1.5 ppm (typical ±1 ppm within 15 °C to 35 °C)
- Scan repetition time less than 0.6 seconds
- Operating temperature from 0 °C to +55 °C
For the measurement of light sources and signals in wavelength ranges from 700 nm to 1700 nm, the 86120D Multi-Wavelength Meter offers a compelling set of features. With ±1.5 ppm accuracy (typical ±1 ppm) and a measurement cycle time of just 0.6 seconds, it is ideal to achieve fast, automated wavelength adjustment procedures.
Keysight multi-wavelength meters are Michelson interferometer-based instruments that measure wavelength and optical power of laser light over a specified wavelength range. A built-in HeNe laser guarantees an accurate absolute wavelength measurement against a natural standard any time. Simultaneous measurements of multiple laser lines are performed, allowing measurements of DWDM signals and multiple lines of Fabry-Perot lasers. A broadband mode is also available for measuring the weighted center of wider lines.
- Just 15 minutes of warm-up time are sufficient for specified accuracy.
- Angled-connector option is available to avoid influencing non-isolated sources.
- The wide wavelength range covers all communication test applications.
- With +18 dBm safe input level, optical power values up to +10 dBm can be measured without additional equipment (e.g. attenuator).
- The built-in applications for optical signal-to-noise ratio, wavelength and power drift allow smart stand-alone test solutions with compact footprint, avoiding costly test procedure development.
This product uses Foxit Reader for Windows.
For more information about Wavelength Meters, please visit Keysight Wavelength Meters.
Key Specifications

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