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W5308B PathWave RF Synthesis Core, Synthesis, Circuit, System, Modulated-RF
Affordable RF Circuit Synthesis, RF System with Modulated RF and Non-Linear Circuit Design Software
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W5308B enables comprehensive synthesis and simulation of RF circuits with RF system simulation under modulated RF stimulus to verify EVM specifications.
The W5308B PathWave RF Synthesis Core, Synthesis, Circuit, System, Modulated-RF includes:
- Core environment, Linear Simulator, Schematic, Data Display, Layout, Instrument Link, MATLAB script
- Nonlinear circuit simulators
- RF System Simulator
- Digitally modulated RF sources for error vector magnitude (EVM) & adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) simulation
- 12 automatic RF circuit synthesis
Core, Synthesis, Circuit, System, Modulated RF enables comprehensive synthesis and simulation of lumped/distributed linear/nonlinear RF circuits together with RF system design and analysis of system block diagram performance under digitally modulated RF stimulus. Predict, diagnose and fix EVM impairments from culprit system blocks for optimum RF system performance. Supports Keysight frequency dependent nonlinear X- and Sys-Parameters to accurately model off-the-shelf system blocks in simulation.
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