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MXR2FRE Frequency Extension for Infiniium MXR-Series
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The RTSA and DDC max Center Frequency (CF) is the bandwidth of the oscilloscope purchased. MXR2FRE post-purchase upgrade allows use of RTSA and DDC up to 6 GHz, regardless of the scope’s bandwidth. If you own a 6 GHz MXR-Series scope, this option is unnecessary.
All models come standard with 40 MHz of analysis bandwidth for Digital Down Conversion (DDC) and Real Time Spectrum Analyzer (RTSA) on one center frequency (CF), with options for 160 or 320 MHz of analysis on 4 or 8 different center frequencies.
With the new Frequency Extension option, the frequency range for DDC and RTSA is not limited to the bandwidth of your oscilloscope. For example, if your measurement needs (in the time domain) only call for 2 GHz of analog bandwidth, but you wish to analyze wireless data up to 6 GHz, you can purchase a 2 GHz Infiniium MXR-Series scope and get 6 GHz analysis with DDC and RTSA if you purchase MXR2FRE. See datasheet for details.
Standard Performance
- Frequency Range: 0 Hz to Oscilloscope Bandwidth
- Analysis Bandwidth: 40 MHz
- Center Frequency Control: All channels are locked together
The RTSA and DDC max CF is the bandwidth of the scope purchased, or 6.3 GHz with a Frequency Extension. MXR2FRE (Frequency Extension) allows use of RTSA and DDC up to 6 GHz, regardless of the scope’s bandwidth. This allows the more RF-focused or those with specific test needs to save money by not purchasing a higher bandwidth analog scope since the MXR2FRE upgrade option allows them to do high frequency RF work.
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