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N6171A MATLAB Software
N6171A MATLAB is available directly from Keysight to extend the capabilities of Keysight signal analyzers and generators to make custom measurements, analyze and visualize data, create arbitrary waveforms, control instruments and build test systems.
Starting from
MATLAB extends the capabilities of Keysight signal analyzers and generators to make custom measurements, analyze and visualize data, create arbitrary waveforms, control instruments, and build test systems.
- Extend the functionality of Keysight signal and spectrum analyzers with MATLAB by analyzing and visualizing measurements, testing modulation schemes, and automating measurements.
- Excite electronic devices using Keysight signal generators with simple or complex waveforms created in MATLAB.
- Test the functionality of electronic devices by making measurements with Keysight instruments and comparing them against known baselines in MATLAB.
- Develop a GUI or application that enables users to perform data analysis or testing.
- Characterize an electronic device to determine how closely it matches the design.
- Verify new algorithms or measurement routines using live data from Keysight instruments.
- Design custom digital filters in MATLAB and apply them to signals acquired from a Keysight instrument.
Free Trials
- Request free trial of MATLAB software
- Enables you to try out MATLAB with your Keysight instruments
- Fulfilled by MathWorks

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