Advanced Design System (ADS) 2012.08 HF5 (390.hf5)
Platform Filename Downloads Size
Linux Download 619,813,274 bytes (591.1 MB)
Windows Download 205,416,038 bytes (195.9 MB)


ADS 2012.08 Hotfix 5 (HF5) includes over 100 enhancements, improvements and defect fixes including accuracy and performance improvements for circuit and Momentum simulations, layout use model refinements, and the return of file-based option for Momentum look-alike components from ADS 2009.

ADS 2012.08 HF5 is recommended for all ADS 2012.08 installations. ADS 2011.xx users should also upgrade to ADS 2012.08 including HF5.

We recommend ADS 2013.06 for High-Speed Digital designers.

This is a general hotfix.

Please read the Release Notes for more details.


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