Data Sheets
Keysight Technologies
Y1800A RF Training Kit and Lab Sheets
Data Sheet
The Keysight Technologies, Inc. Y1800A RF training kit serves as a ready-to-teach package in the areas of RF principles, test & measurement, and RF communications. This is a lecturer resource consisting of RF transceiver kit, lab sheets and model answers, and problem-based assignments.
RF transceiver kit
The RF transceiver kit consists of a transmitter unit and a receiver unit in superheterodyne architecture. The transceiver units are made up of various RF building-block modules such as filter, low noise amplifier, power amplifier, mixer and oscillator. The RF transceiver kit is controlled by a Windows-based Control Panel software via USB.
Y1800A RF training kit and lab sheets
RF transceiver hardware specifications
Lab sheets
The training kit includes eight lab sheets in editable Microsoft Word format. Each lab requires three hours to complete. Model answers are provided with all lab sheets.
The following accessories are provided with the training kit.
Ordering information
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