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Human Versus Machine: The State of POS Testing


Despite advancements in AI-augmented testing and its capabilities to overcome issues with scale, coverage, and speed, many retailers persist with manual point-of-sale (POS) testing.


As a result, QA leaders are left with an impossible choice: release faster or prolong testing for fewer defects. However, what if they could have both speed and quality?


Keysight's industry report asks these questions and more to over 500 retail QA leaders to asses their testing techniques and the impact on release speed, frequency, meeting test requirements, and scalability.


This in-depth study explores critical testing scenario decisions and their results, with highlights including:

  • Eighty-one percent of QA leaders chose speed over quality
  • Teams using automation could release up to four times more, deploying over 26 times per year
  • Forty-seven percent of retailers need to optimize their testing methods to achieve their release - targets in the next three years

Explore these findings today and put this research into practice to optimize your testing teams and the services you provide to your customers.


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