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8762C Coaxial Switch, DC to 26.5 GHz, SPDT
Offers excellent performance with broadband operation, high isolation, low SWR, long life, and exceptional repeatability
Starting from
Superior RF Performance
- Isolation: > 90 dB to 18 GHz, > 50 dB to 26.5 GHz
- Insertion loss: < 0.25 dB to 2 GHz, < 0.5 dB to 18 GHz, < 1.25 dB to 26.5 GHz
- Current interrupts
- Position indication capability
The Keysight 8762C offers excellent electrical and mechanical performance with the broadband operation, high isolation, low SWR, long life, and exceptional repeatability.
Buy only the performance you need! Keysight offers a new line of latching coaxial switches that combine legendary reliability with the widest range of performance options available today. Learn more at N1810TL Coaxial Switch

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