
OIF CEI-112G-PAM4 specifies a 112 Gb/s PAM4 electrical interface for use in the range 36 to 58 GBaud Data Center Interconnect systems. D9050CEIC is a Keysight UXR oscilloscope-based conformance test automation package for physical layer electrical validation and debug of CEI-112G-PAM4 designs.

Comprehensive measurement and debug solution

  • Characterizes 112Gbps OIF-CEI XSR, VSR, MR and LR reaches of the Common Electrical Interface specification.
  • Performs nearly 140 tests
  • Key measurement includes 120 edge Output Jitter (Jnu, JRMS, EOJ), SNDR & Eye-opening (EH, EW, VEC)

Flexible and extensible

  • Operates on a UXR oscilloscope
  • Automatic HTML report generation
  • Test all or selected parameters to compliance limits or custom limits


  • UXR product series operating at and above 50GHz: 
    •  50 GHz: UXR0502A, UXR0504A
    •  59 GHz: UXR0592A, UXR0592AP, UXR0594A, UXR0594AP
    •  70 GHz: UXR0702A, UXR0702AP, UXR0704AP
    •  80 GHz: UXR0802A, UXR0804A
    • 100 GHz: UXR1002A, UXR1004A, UXR1102A, UXR1104A

The Keysight D9050CEIC TX test application can be used with Infiniium UXR-Series Oscilloscopes to quickly and accurately perform electrical (physical layer) conformance measurements in accordance with:

  • CEI-112G-VSR-PAM4, CEI-112G-LR-PAM4, CEI-112G-MR-PAM4 36.0 to 58.0 GBaud Phy Validation.
Connectivity Model
  • CEI-112G-VSR, -MR, and -LR are variable rate electrical bus standards operating flexibly from 72 - 116Gbps.  The three primary reaches are Long Reach (LR), Medium Reach (MR) and Very Short Reach (VSR). These all have similar IEEE 802.3ck clauses and track those test requirements for 100Gb/s, 200 Gb/s and 400 Gb/s Operation.

The D9050CEIC application simplifies complex 112Gbps OIF CEI transmitter physical layer measurements:

  • Performs automated adaptive Reference Receiver auto-tune operations
  • Evaluates Signal-to-Noise Distortion Ratio and Jitter calculations
  • Saves time in understanding details of standards
  • Reduces the time it takes to characterize your PAM4 design from hours to minutes
  • Helps debug your device using custom configurations
  • Allows you to quickly generate HTML reports that summarize the performance of your device

Key measurements include:

  • Jitter Measurements including Jnu, JRMS, and EOJ on “12-edges” of a PRBS13Q
  • Output Waveform measurements including Steady-State Voltage (Vf), Linear Fit Pulse Peak and Signal-to-Noise-and-Distortion (SNDR)
  • Transition Time
  • Eye Width, Eye Height & Vertical Eye Closure
  • Effective Return Loss

For a comprehensive and up-to-date list of specific tests covered by the application, download and install the D9050CEIC free time trial onto a UXR instrument. 

Free Trials

Get a 30-day trial license for D9050CEIC. The D9050CEIC  MultiScope application is enabled with a license file on the computer running the N8900A Infiniium Offline oscilloscope analysis software, so there are no setup files to download and install.


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