RP7900 Series Regenerative Power System
In the global marketplace, how do you gain a competitive advantage? Many manufacturers are trying to meet production ramps, quality goals and reduce the cost of test as a means of differentiation. Often the primary concern is the costs of equipment, calibration, and maintenance. Although initial capital investments always command our attention, operating expenses can play an even more critical role in total cost of ownership. Managing total cost of ownership can provide a competitive advantage for your business. As the demand for high power grows, for example shift in automotive from 12 V battery to over 300 V for HEV/EV, it drives the need for higher power test equipment. Testing at high-power is not a simple extension of low power. As you move into high power applications in aerospace defense, infrastructure, automotive and energy, it presents unique challenges that were not relevant in low power applications. Companies now must consider site preparation necessities, and safety requirements when transitioning from low power to high power. Having a commercial off-the-shelf solution that has low cost of ownership would minimize your high-power test costs by reducing floor space usage, minimize heat dissipation, and maintain uptime. Keysight can help with the RP7900 Series regenerative power system.
Our Solution
The Keysight RP7900 Series regenerative power system is a family of bi-directional, regenerative DC power supplies with highly integrated safety features that protect both your people and your device under test. The regenerative capability enables the energy normally consumed to be returned to the grid cleanly, saving costs associated with energy consumption and cooling. In addition, by combining the seamless source and load functionality into a compact 3U-high and 5U-high package, not only do you save energy but also floor space and integration time. The RP7900 delivers a fast, accurate, integrated regenerative power system.
Reduce costs for cooling and electricity with an eco-friendly regenerative design
The regenerative capability of the RP7900 enables the energy consumed to be put back onto the grid cleanly, saving costs from energy consumption and cooling, while not interfering with the grid. When the RP7900 is sinking current either from rapid down-programming of the output or from discharging an energy source like a battery, it will automatically return the excess power back to the grid. The regenerative operation is automatic, so no programming is required. To safeguard your device under test, the RP7900 provides “anti-islanding” that senses that the grid is live before regenerating power back to the grid. With efficiency of more than 80%, the RP7900 helps you reduce energy consumption with less electricity usage when sourcing or sinking and less heat dissipation (which means less air conditioning) when sinking. Additionally, it provides clean regenerative operation by keeping the total harmonic distortion to a minimum of 2% (typical) at full load to minimize interference with other electronics.
Continuously source and sink current
The RP7900 can continuously sink up to 100% of its rated current for an indefinite time. The two[1]quadrant, bidirectional sourcing and sinking capability of the DC power supply allows for seamless, uninterrupted transitions between sourcing and sinking current without changing the power supply’s output characteristics or introducing any disruptive behavior.
Autoranging output – does the job of multiple power supplies
The RP7900 power supplies’ autoranging output characteristic makes it much more flexible than rectangular, or traditional, output characteristic power supplies because they expand the power curve, giving the user more voltage and current combinations in one power supply. Power supplies with rectangular output characteristics provide full power at only one voltage and current combination. The RP7900 is like having many rectangular power supplies in one.
Emulate high-power battery
With their battery emulation feature, the RP7900 Series allows you to test your devices under the same power conditions that exist in actual use. Emulating the battery is key when characterizing battery operating life and detecting early product failures. Through programable resistance up to 394 Ω (model dependent), the RP7900 DC sources simulate the effects of internal resistance of the battery, enabling them to emulate the operation of batteries in different charge states. Use the bidirectional RP7900 as a power source or an electronic load, just like a battery.
Accelerate test throughput with industry-leading specifications
Shaving seconds or even milliseconds off a test time can lead to significant savings for high-volume manufacturers, making throughput gains a never-ending quest for test system designers. The RP7900 is a valuable tool for increasing throughput. It provides fast output speed, sub-millisecond command[1]processing time (≤ 1 ms), and output list that can help you achieve significant throughput gains in your testing.
Accurately characterize your DUT’s power profile with advanced measurements
The RP7900 provides simultaneous voltage and current measurement capabilities that deliver high accuracy and resolution. Make measurements using two main modes: averaged or digitized. In average mode, the RP7900 delivers high accuracy voltage and current measurements. The digitizing capability allows you to capture dynamic current or voltage profiles. In addition to high-accuracy voltage and current measurement capabilities, the RP7900 Series regenerative power system offers built-in power, peak power, amp-hour, and watt-hour calculations. These measurements help simplify your power efficiency and storage calculations.
Avoid damage to your DUT
When you are testing costly DUTs, integrating power protection measures into the test system is critical. Using instrumentation with built-in or integrated protection features provides a huge benefit when DUT protection is required. With protection measures implemented in hardware rather than test system software, error conditions can be detected and handled much faster, reducing the likelihood of the DUT sustaining major damage. The RP7900 provides built-in over-voltage, over-current, and over[1]temperature protection. For even greater DUT protection, use the accessory SD1000A Safety Disconnect System that was exclusively designed to work with the RP795x and RP796x Series to handle faults and ensure the output is secured with a redundant safety disconnect system
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