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Government Solutions
Enable federal agencies to test and secure with trusted systems
Keysight Government Solutions Deliver
Keysight solutions allow you to design, test, and operate your agency network with confidence. An integrated approach to network visibility, network security, and network testing is needed to ensure that your security and monitoring tools get the right data at the right time, every time.
Keysight has created key solutions to help government agencies in this quest:
Secure Clock Synchronization for Financial and Regulatory Compliance
TimeKeeper® is the leading enterprise-class clock sync platform solution for the financial trading industry. In partnership with FSMLabs, the experts in timing technology, TimeKeeper’s innovative solutions can reliably synchronize time-critical application servers and virtual machines in data centers and hybrid cloud environments around the world to within sub-µs accuracy. This provides traceability to official time sources such as UTC and NIST.
Keysight Government Solutions Deliver Fortification
Keysight’s Network Fortification solution enables you to:
- Strengthen your defensive cyber security operations
- Deploy threat intelligence gateways to stop more threats before they enter the network
- Dig deep to find indicators of compromise
- Create and implement a cyber resilience plan
- Reduce your compliance risk
Keysight Government Solutions Deliver Modernization
Keysight’s Network Modernization solution enables you to:
- Capture, own, and protect agency data
- Change the model to be proactive
- Manage your user and customer experience better
- Enable remote teleworking to maintain mission continuity
- Create agility to support the speed of business
- Embrace new technologies
Keysight Government Solutions Deliver Threat Simulation
Keysight’s Breach and Attack solution enables you to:
- Run pre-deployment testing to validate equipment
- Implement post-deployment continual monitoring to verify security controls are working and optimized for maximum protection
- Understand your enemy by running simulations to model attacks from aggressor nations
- Train like you fight by deploying your own cyber range
Keysight Government Solutions Deliver Spectrum Testing
Keysight’s Spectrum Testing solution enables you to:
- Enable resilient networking and communications in contested environments
- Establish performance baselines
- Expose hidden physical, virtual and cloud issues
- Create ultimate confidence in your 5G and Wi-Fi infrastructure and security
- Monitor and protect critical infrastructure better

Keysight Government Solutions Deliver Lawful Intercept
Keysight’s Lawful Intercept solution enables you to:
- Gain full access to the data types that you need
- Make data replication and distribution tasks easy by using an NPB
- As your network grows, make sure you can perform high speed data captures
- Use metadata analysis to refine captured data and further reduce the analysis load
Keysight Government Solutions Deliver
Our Certifications and Authority to Operate
Federally-accredited security for Keysight's Network Packet Brokers
All of our Network Packet Brokers are now Common Criteria, FIPS 140–2 and DoDIN APL listed.
Government agencies, military, and other security-conscious organizations can be assured that these visibility solutions meet the highest standards of security integrity.
The most recent certifications utilize a software module approach, which means these new certificates will always benefit from the latest software enhancements. The certificates will be valid on all Vision NPBs, including Vision Edge OS and future Vision NPBs.
The Trade Agreements Act (19 U.S.C. and 2501-2581) of 1979 was enacted to foster fair and open international trade, but more importantly, it implemented the requirement the U.S. government may acquire only U.S.- made or designated end products.
GSA Schedule Contracts are subject to the Trade Agreements Act (TAA), meaning all products listed on the GSA Schedule Contract must be manufactured or “substantially transformed” in the United States or a TAA “designated country”.
Let Keysight show you our TAA compliant products which are on the GSA, ready to deploy.
FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards)
FIPS is a set of standards created by the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) and the CCCS (Canadian Centre for Cyber Security) that outlines security requirements for cryptographic solutions and modules.
Products are tested against eleven areas of security requirements related to the design and implementation of a cryptographic module with each module receiving a security level rating from 1 to 4.
Most Keysight packet brokers, including Vision ONE, Vision X, Vision E10s, Vision E40, Vision E100 as well as TradeVision are DoDIN APL certified by the U.S. Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA).
Keysight government codes: CAGE 300J9, NAICS 33411, DUNS 166655964
Common Criteria Certification
The Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (abbreviated as Common Criteria or CC) is an international standard for computer security certification.
Common Criteria is a framework in which computer system users can specify their security functional and assurance requirements (SFRs and SARs respectively) in a Security Target (ST), and may be taken from Protection Profiles (PPs).
Common Criteria provides assurance that the process of specification, implementation and evaluation of a computer security product has been conducted in a rigorous and standard and repeatable manner at a level that is commensurate with the target environment for use..
Let Keysight show you our products to meet your Common Criteria needs.
The Department of Defense created the Department of Defense Information Network Approved Products List (DoDIN APL) in 2011 to identify solutions that were tested and trusted to address government security concerns.
The DoDIN APL represents the agency’s master list of products available for purchase that are secure, trusted, and approved for deployment within the DoD’s technology infrastructure.
Effective 4/20/2020, Vision network packet brokers running v5.3 software including Vision ONE, Vision X, Vision E10s, E40, E100, and TradeVision are listed.
These DoDIN APL listings make a wide range of high-performance, easy-to-use network visibility solutions available to government and federal customers.
USGv6 Revision 1
Keysight Technologies has achieved USGv6 certification for our Vision Network Packet Broker (NPB) systems. This milestone highlights our commitment to delivering interoperable and government-compliant solutions. The following products are compliant:
Vision One, Vision E50, Vision X, Vision E40, Vision E100, Vision E10S, Vision 7712, Vision 5812, Vision 7816, and TradeVision
Software version: NVOS 6.70, 6.71

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