Boundary scan is a method for testing interconnections on printed circuit boards. Keysight’s Interconnect Plus Boundary Scan feature enables all the tools required to develop and execute this foundational test method on the board under test.


Boundary scan is a method for testing interconnections on printed circuit boards. Keysight’s Interconnect Plus Boundary Scan feature enables all the tools required to develop and execute this foundational test method on the board under test.

When a number of boundary scan compliant devices are chained together, the Interconnect Plus boundary scan test checks that all the interconnecting pins on the devices within the chain are making electrical contact with the printed circuit board.

When the Interconnect Plus Boundary Scan feature is enabled, the powered shorts, interconnect, bus wire, connect, and chain disable tests are automatically generated according to the IEEE 1149.1 standards with the test patterns defined for the most efficient and complete test coverage for the devices under test.

