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Keysight Utility Cards vs Teradyne ICT Deep Serial Programming

Case Studies

Case Study


This case study compares the flash programming performances of the Keysight Technologies, Inc. Medalist i3070 Series 5 in-circuit tester (ICT) with utility card flash programming solution against the Teradyne in-circuit tester with deep serial memory programming solution.

In this case study, an 8 Mbits flash device is fully programmed, and detailed comparisons on the programming time from both the Keysight and Teradyne solutions are discussed.

This paper also illustrates how the Keysight utility card flash programming solution can be applied in throughput multiplier mode to improve throughput tremendously, validating it as a viable flash programming solution in a high-volume production environment.

Board type:

Set-top box printed circuit board assembly


2-up dual-well fixture


AT26DF081A - 8 Mbits Flash device - Full image programming

Keysight tester:

Medalist i3070 Series 5 – Two modules (mod 3 and 2) with four double-density pin cards each

ASRU revision C with Control XTP

Running in throughput multiplier mode with dual-well sharing wiring

Only one Keysight utility card was installed with two SMH FlashRunner (FR) modules in module 3, slot 11, to perform flash programming in parallel (throughput mode)

Teradyne tester:

TestStation with Ultra124 pin boards and deep serial memory (128 MB)

Flash Programming Test Time Comparison          

From the flash programming test time comparison table below, the Keysight solution is almost twice as fast as the Teradyne solution. This means that given the same amount of time, Keysight will be able to program twice the number of boards as Teradyne. As such, the manufacturer can use fewer testers and fixtures to meet the required customer production volume.

Based on test time calculations, the customer will require seven Teradyne testers and fixtures to meet production volume, whereas the customer will only require four Keysight testers and fixtures to achieve that.


-Serialization includes Serial Number, Hardware Version ID, Unit Identifier, etc.

- E = Erase

- B = Blank Check

- P = Program

- V = Verify

- EBPV means performing Erase, Blank Check, Program and Verify operations with FR programming module

- CRC = Cyclic redundancy check

- RMA = Return merchandise authorization

Flexibility of Flash Programming with the Keysight Utility Card

In this project, the customer has different programming requirements for the ICT station, depending on whether it is a fresh production board or a failure board from various test stations. Three test options are created in the testplan to address the customer’s needs to test these different types of boards.

Option 1:

Normal production runs with pre-programmed flash loaded on board. ICT will perform CRC test on the flash device to determine if the correct firmware is pre-programmed.

If CRC test failed, meaning either a wrong firmware or no firmware is pre-programmed, then: Erase + Program + Verify operations will be performed on the flash device.

Option 2:

Shipped (boards which pass functional test) board will have JTAG lock feature enabled; meaning ICT boundary scan test for this board will not work anymore.

Hence, an option is created to skip boundary scan tests and re-program the flash device in ICT: Erase + Blank Check + Program + Verify operations will be performed. Field returned boards (referred to as consumer boards) will go through this option.

Option 3:

Functional test station will alter some of the bits in the flash device. Hence, an option is created to skip CRC test and re-program the flash device in ICT: Erase + Blank Check + Program + Verify operations will be performed. Functional failed board (which they called RMA board) going for ICT again will go through this option.


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