N5166B CXG RF Vector Signal Generator

Configuration Guides

Configure Your N5166B CXG RF Vector Signal Generator

This step-by-step process will help you to configure the N5166B CXG signal generator. Choose options to meet your requirements.

N5166B CXG is an entry-level RF vector signal generator in the X-Series signal generators. For detailed specifications, refer to the CXG signal generator data sheet (5992-3959EN).

Upgrade Your Existing N5166B CXG

Fast license-key upgrades for options that do not require additional hardware:

1.  Place an order for the upgrade with Keysight and request to receive the software entitlement certificate through email

2. Redeem the certificate through the Web by following the instructions on the certificate

3. Install the license file using Keysight License Manager

Begin using the new capability Installation, calibration and verification information is available at: www.keysight.com/find/cxg_upgrades