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S960907B Spectrum Analysis for E5081A up to 44 GHz
Achieve high-performance 5G NR spectrum analysis up to 44 GHz
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The Keysight S960907B spectrum analyzer (SA) software application adds high-performance microwave spectrum analysis capabilities to the Keysight ENA-X up to 44 GHz. With fast stepped-FFT sweeps resulting from optimized data processing, the SA application provides quick spurious searches over broad frequency ranges. Conduct simultaneous spectrum measurements using test and reference receivers. For efficient measurements of spurious signals emanating from mixers and frequency converters, combine the multi-channel SA with the internal swept-signal generators. The SA application employs source-power and receiver-response calibration as well as fixture de-embedding, providing in-fixture and on-wafer spectrum measurements with the highest level of accuracy.
The SA application adds NPR measurement to the ENA-X. It provides integrated measurement setup including multitone signal generation with vector signal generator. New coherent-measurement and vector-averaging techniques employed in the ENA-X SA application allow you to make faster and more accurate NPR and ACPR measurements with better dynamic range than the conventional NPR measurement with spectrum analyzer.
- Achieve high-performance spectrum analysis up to 44 GHz on E5081A ENA-X.
- Conduct fast spurious searches.
- Use multi-channel signal analysis with internal swept-signal generators.
- Make in-fixture spectrum measurements using VNA calibration.
- Execute fast and accurate band- / noise-power and NPR measurements.
Learn more about Keysight Network Analyzer Software
Free Trials
- Get a 30-day free trial license.
- Enable the software application on your ENA-X Series.

Interested in an S930907B?
Extend the Capabilities for Your 44 GHz Spectrum Analysis
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