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DSAV164A Infiniium V-Series Oscilloscope: 16 GHz, 4 Analog Channels
Keysight DSAV164A Infiniium V-Series oscilloscopes provide industry-leading accuracy that ensures greater insights in analysis and debug of high-speed designs.
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Keysight DSAV164A Infiniium V-Series oscilloscopes provide industry-leading accuracy that ensures greater insights in analysis and debug of high-speed designs.
- 16 GHz analog bandwidth (upgradable)
- 4 analog channels
- Capture a longer signal trace with up to 80 GSa/s sample rate and 2 Gpts of acquisition memory
- Low noise (1.32 mVrms at 50 mV/div) and jitter measurement floor (100 fs)
- See better measurement accuracy with ENOB values in excess of 5.5 and a SFDR exceeding 50 dBCImprove your testing with the broadest range of jitter, trigger, analysis and protocol tools (featuring PrecisionProbe)
- Serial Data Analysis (SDA)
- EZJIT Complete
- 100 Mpts of memory
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