Como Baixar

  1. Click the Download button
  2. Save file to PC.

Como Instalar

  1. Extract files to the root directory of a USB stick. You will see a folder named N932xData with file N932XUPGRADE.PAC.
  2. Plug the USB disk in the USB connector on the top panel.
  3. Press [System] > {More} > {Service} > {Upgrade Firmware}, press [Enter] to upgrade the firmware. This procedure lasts about 10-15 mintues. Please keep power on and the USB disk connected. If the sceen is turned off, do not press power switch in 30 minutes.
  4. Unplug the USB disk and restart the unit when message


  • Does Not Require a License

Documentação de suporte

Installs on: Instrument


  • Information Not Available

Instrumentos Compatíveis

  • N9321C, N9322C, N9323C, N9324C