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Como Baixar
- Click the Download button
- Save file to PC.
Como Instalar
- Extract files to the root directory of a USB stick. You will see a folder named N932xData with file N932XUPGRADE.PAC.
- Plug the USB disk in the USB connector on the top panel.
- Press [System] > {More} > {Service} > {Upgrade Firmware}, press [Enter] to upgrade the firmware. This procedure lasts about 10-15 mintues. Please keep power on and the USB disk connected. If the sceen is turned off, do not press power switch in 30 minutes.
- Unplug the USB disk and restart the unit when message
- Does Not Require a License
Documentação de suporte
Installs on: Instrument
- Information Not Available
Instrumentos Compatíveis
- N9321C, N9322C, N9323C, N9324C