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True-Q Solutions for End-Users


Keysight Understands Your Challenges


To get the most out of quantum computing, you need the right solution to:


• Understand the range of quantum algorithms relevant to your industry and how to optimally express these as quantum circuits

• Choose the best quantum computing platform for your application

• Leverage tools that automatically translate and optimally implement circuits into device-specific operations and platform specific language

• Overcome the device-specific errors that can dramatically limit hardware capabilities and produce incorrect solutions for your computational problem


Solve your quantum computing challenges with True-Q Software


Keysight offers a suite of tools to help your team develop, understand, and improve quantum computing performance for applications of importance to you:


• User-convenience tools to easily implement circuits on any gate-based quantum computing platform

• Turn-key tools to improve run-time performance of error-prone quantum devices

• Quantum emulator/simulator tools that faithfully predict the expected performance of your application on different hardware platforms

• Quality assurance tools to validate the accuracy of the quantum computation for your application


Professional Services


Our professional services experts combine decades of experience in quantum computing algorithms and performance. Our team of PhD researchers established many of the industry-standard methods for diagnosing and suppressing quantum errors to optimize quantum computing performance. Our team can help you understand the opportunities and challenges for quantum computing to deliver advantages to your industry.


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