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Changing Perceptions: Software Testing's Vital Role in Delivering ROI



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Businesses frequently see software testing as a burden, a cost center that consumes resources without contributing to revenue. Nevertheless, testing is essential for software engineering and quality-assurance teams to ensure the functionality, quality, and speed of release of their digital products. However, perceptions are changing. Software testing is quickly moving from a perceived financial liability to providing millions of dollars in cost savings and up to 162% return on investment.

Join Ethan Chung, Autumn Ciliberto, and Jeanette Smith on January 17 as they analyze Forrester’s Total Economic Impact report and the real-world financial impact of artificial intelligence (AI)-augmented test automation.


Key highlights include the following:

  • Why some organizations persist with manual and in-house testing frameworks.
  • How AI-augmented test automation is changing perceptions and delivering cost savings through increased productivity, avoided remediations, and reduced tooling.
  • How software engineers and testers can use automated testing to increase productivity and job satisfaction levels.


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