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Quantum Benchmark
Essential solutions to improve runtime performance of error-prone quantum hardware

Turbocharge Your Quantum Computing
The capacity of the quantum computer to perform meaningful computations is not just determined by the number of qubits, but by the quality of those qubits.
Harnessing the power of quantum computing requires overcoming errors and other imperfections that are inevitable in all quantum computing hardware architectures.
Our proprietary technology is based on years of research by several of the world’s leading experts in quantum computing.
True-Q solutions are an essential software layer for both makers and users of quantum computers to improve the runtime performance of error-prone quantum computers.
Quantum Performance Acceleration
Our software solutions turbocharge quantum computing performance across all platforms and all applications. Industry leaders use our software for run-time error suppression and error-aware compilation, dramatically improving their quantum hardware performance. These tools are necessary for any serious user aiming to understand and achieve quantum advantage for their applications of interest.

Randomized compiling for scalable quantum computing on a noisy superconducting quantum processor. arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.00215 (2020)
Quantum Error Diagnostics
Our software system delivers error diagnostics to understand and eliminate the error processing that occurs across all qubits and the duration of the quantum circuit. Using diagnostic tools enables quantum hardware makers to better understand the noise present in their quantum computers. With comprehensive error diagnostics, the most advanced features of our error-aware compiler deliver dramatic improvements to quantum hardware performance.
Quantum Performance Validation
For both users and makers of quantum computers, our software system enables optimization and validation of the capacity of quantum hardware platforms to deliver valid solutions for their applications of interest. Our software solves the mission-critical challenge of validating if quantum hardware is able to execute a user-supplied algorithm to a user-specified precision to deliver quantum advantage.

Created using IBM Quantum
Quantum Benchmark Solutions
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“Quantum Benchmark’s True-Q software system and the Quantum Benchmark support team have provided us with novel insights into the performance of our quantum gate operations. We look forward to continuing to work with them to develop a deep understanding of our processors as we scale.”
Dr. Julian Kelly, Quantum Research Scientist at Google’s Quantum AI Lab
“The randomized compiling method from Quantum Benchmark is an extremely helpful technique for suppressing residual calibration errors. I couldn’t imagine building a quantum computer without it.”
Dr. John Martinis, Former Chief Scientist of Quantum Hardware and leader of Google’s Quantum AI Lab
“Before using True-Q, we simply lacked the tools for verifying that we are on the right track towards scalable quantum computing.”
Dr. Thomas Monz, CEO and Chief Scientist, Alpine Quantum Technologies
“A key challenge that we are working with Keysight on is that these near-term processors have a finite error rate. Meaning that each time we ask for a quantum logic instruction, there is some probability that we will get the wrong instruction.
Now with Keysight, we are actually able to diagnose and correct these errors, so at this intermediate scale of algorithms development, partnering with Keysight has actually been really critical in order to maximize the performance of these cloud deployed quantum computers.”
Dr. Matthew Reagor, Director of Engineering at Rigetti Computing
"The True-Q software has greatly simplified the process of performing various quantum validation and characterization protocols. It has saved me a significant amount of time in multiple aspects of my research, including building my own quantum programs, running them on quantum processors, and processing the experimental results."
Junan Lin, True-Q end-user for cloud applications, University of Waterloo
"Joint work between Quantum Benchmark and the Advanced Quantum Testbed at Berkeley Lab, leveraging the expertise of the teams, has led to a dramatic improvement in the area of quantum control. Stacking the error suppression tools in advanced compilers with additional error mitigation strategies leads to significant performance enhancements for quantum applications."
Dr. Irfan Siddiqi, Director, Advanced Quantum Testbed, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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