Column Control DTX

B2961B and B2962B 6.5 Digit Low Noise Power Source

Product Fact Sheets

The current web page context is a product fact sheet for B2961B/B2962B 6.5 Digit Low Noise Power Sources, which are revolutionary power supplies for precision and low noise voltage/current sourcing. They have 6.5 digit, 100 nV/10 fA resolution, 10 μVrms noise performance, and wide-range AWG, DC voltage/current emulation capabilities. They enable more accurate and advanced testing and evaluation for a broad range of applications, such as AD/DA converters, RF components, VCOs, oscillator devices, sensors and transducers, batteries, etc. They also have various options and accessories for different noise levels and output ranges. You can learn more about these products and order them online at or contact your local Keysight representative or authorized distributor. The product number is 3120-1488.EN and the publication date is April 10, 2023.


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Column Control DTX