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Data de lançamento Versão Descrição da Versão
2017-05-17 01.45 Keysight U7246A/B SD UHS-I Card compliance test application for Infiniium 9000 Series and 90000 Series oscilloscopes with the Windows 7 operating system.
Data de lançamento Versão
2017-05-17 01.45
Version Description
Keysight U7246A/B SD UHS-I Card compliance test application for Infiniium 9000 Series and 90000 Series oscilloscopes with the Windows 7 operating system.

Como Baixar

  • Click the download button and save the file to a temporary directory on your oscilloscope.

Como Instalar

  • On the oscilloscope, open (execute) the downloaded file, and follow the on-screen installation instructions.


  • Requires a License

Installs on: Instrument


  • Please see the release notes under Supporting Documentation.

Instrumentos Compatíveis

  • Infiniium 9000 and 90000 Series oscilloscopes.
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