The instrument driver provides access to the functionality of the Keysight V2920A through a COM server or C API which also complies with the IVI specifications. This driver works in any development environment which supports COM programming including Microsoft® Visual Basic, Microsoft Visual C++, Microsoft .NET, Keysight VEE Pro, National Instruments LabView, National Instruments LabWindows, and others.

A Keysight recomenda usar a versão mais atual, que inclui as correções de bugs e arquivos de segurança mais atualizados disponíveis.
Data de lançamento Versão Descrição da Versão
2010-04-10 The instrument driver provides access to the functionality of the Keysight V2920A through a COM server or C API which also complies with the IVI specifications.
Data de lançamento Versão
Version Description
The instrument driver provides access to the functionality of the Keysight V2920A through a COM server or C API which also complies with the IVI specifications.

Como Baixar

  • Click the Download button. Select the appropriate executable file. Choose Run.

Como Instalar

  • See Documentation


  • Does Not Require a License

Documentação de suporte

Installs on: PC

Sistema Operacional

  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 2000


  • See Documentation

Instrumentos Compatíveis

  • V2920A
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