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Where can I find manuals for discontinued Keysight, Agilent and Hewlett-Packard test equipment?

Operational "How to" Guides


Where can I find manuals for discontinued Keysight, Agilent and Hewlett-Packard test equipment?


Search for Your Product by Model Number: We provide downloadable PDF manuals for most discontinued Keysight, Agilent and HP test products. Type your model number into Search at the top of our website, and click on Search. You can then click on the "Manuals" link in the "Technical Support" links list for your product.

If Search doesn't find it here, try our vendor list.  All of the Keysight, Agilent and HP test instrument manuals we have in digital form are now online.  If you searched the site and didn't find one, please look to the other vendors we reference below.  They will often have old manuals that they can sell to you.

Help us share old manuals! If you have an electronic copy of an old HP, Agilent or Keysight manual, we'd like to share it with your test colleagues. Send a brief email letting us know what you have. I have a manual to share (

The following companies may have manuals available for discontinued and obsolete Agilent and HP test equipment. You will leave the Keysight website when clicking on these links.

Vendors and Providers of Agilent/HP Manuals
CompanyEmail AddressWebsite URL
ArtekMedia manuals@artekmanuals.com
BesTek Document ServicesBesTek@cinci.rr.com
Brooke Clarkebrooke@pacific.net
Consolidated Surplusus@usimperio.com
Dr. David Kirkby
Geller Labsjoegeller@gellerlabs.com
Global Test Equipment, Inc.jay@4gte.com
Mary Ann Van Meter

National Test Equipmentservice@ntecusa.com
Test Equipment

Tucker Electronics

Valuetronics International Inc.sales@valuetronics.com
Vintage Hewlett-Packard Archiverobb@compliance-engineering.com
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