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How do I install the driver for the E5805A 4-port RS-232/USB adapter?

To install the driver for the E5805A 4-port RS- 232/USB adapter, follow the steps below:

1. Download the E5805A driver software from the product's page on this website.

2. Double-click the file you downloaded to unpack/unzip the files to C:\Program Files\Keysight\E5805A.

3. Connect the E5805A's USB connector to the PC.

4. The "Found New Hardware Wizard" window will appear as shown below. Select "No, not this time", then click Next to proceed.

5. Select "Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)" and click Next.

6. Check "Include this location in the search:" and type the path where you unzipped the files to in Step 2, e.g. C:\Program Files\Keysight\E5805A. Alternatively, click on Browse to browse to the location of your files. Then, click Next.

7. The Windows ® Logo testing warning message will appear in the Hardware Installation window, as shown below. Click Continue Anyway.

8. Click Finish to complete the installation.

9. Repeat Steps 4 to 9 until you see the "Found New Hardware" message on your taskbar, as shown below.

10. Open the Connection Expert and you will see four new COM ports shown.

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