Balance Budget, Bench Space, and Speed

Keysight's P93xxB Streamline Series Vector Network Analyzers let you balance your budget, bench space, and speed with a Thunderbolt 3 interface.

Packaged in a compact chassis and controlled by an external computer with powerful data processing capabilities and functionalities, the updated B models offer high-speed Thunderbolt interfaces. The firmware running on the PC has the same intuitive GUI as the other Keysight VNAs to reduce switching costs between models.

  • Choose the frequency coverage you need up to 44 GHz
  • Improve throughput with the fast Thunderbolt 3 interface
  • Easily share the compact VNA between test locations
  • Extend your 2- or 4-port VNA by cascading two instruments
  • Measure with the same graphical user interface as Keysight's high-performance VNAs
  • Calibrate quickly with support for all Keysight electronic calibration (ECal) modules

Uncompromised RF Performance

USB instruments are very common. When shopping for small-form-factor equipment, you may have trouble distinguishing between vendors with similar specifications. The Keysight Streamline Series VNA is based on proven measurement science. It shares a common GUI with high-end instruments — enabling you to implement the Streamline Series into your workflow easily.

P9375A Streamline portable usb vna
P9375A streamline usb vna test setup

P93xxB Software

Network analyzer software tools enable you to investigate, characterize, and troubleshoot your designs in a variety of measurement applications. Simplify complex measurements on your P93xxB with software applications such as automatic fixture removal, scalar mixer / converter calibrated measurements and enhanced time-domain analysis with TDR on your P93xxB with software applications.

Key Specifications

Frequency Range

9 kHz to 20 GHz / 100 kHz to 44 GHz

Dynamic Range

115 dB

Output Power

8 dBm

Trace Noise

0.0015 dB rms at 10 kHz IFBW

Number of Built-In Ports

2 or 4

Best 201 Point Sweep Time

15 ms

Want to see more specifications?

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