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Tips for Making Better Memory Measurements – Video Series
Getting the proper insight into your memory system can be quite challenging. Keysight is here to help. The following information is designed to help you get a comprehensive, unique and extensive analysis done in less time. Watch this series of short videos that are based on the U4154A 4 Gb/s AXIe-based Logic Analyzer.
Download the video by clicking on the link below. The video requires Apple QuickTime player. You may download and install the player from the Apple QuickTime player home page. http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/
Get your memory industry update today!
Order a CD that has a series of videos from our industry expert, Perry Keller discussing current memory trends and upcoming design challenges for 2012. In addition get a few application notes on memory and a copy of the first U4154A videos in the series for tips on making better memory measurements with the world's fastest logic analyzer.