VISA Shared Components revision history --------------------------------------- Version 1.6, December 2013 1) Updated the USB-TMC kernel driver to address issues with USB 3.0. 2) Added support for the new VISA COM interface IRegister64_2. 3) Changed the downloadable installer to be a self-extracting EXE rather than the raw MSI. Version 1.5, October 2012 1) Added a new USB-TMC kernel driver to support USB 3.0 on Windows 8. Version 1.4, October 2011 1) The header file visatype.h was not being installed into "Win64\Include" subdirectory. 2) The header file visa.h was missing the definition for VI_INTF_USB. 3) A device that claimed to be compliant with USB-TMC but had an incorrect interrupt pipe configuration could cause ausbtmc.sys to blue-screen. 4) Various fixes to viWaitOnEvent in Win64 shared version of visa64.dll. 5) The VISA COM interfaces IRegister64, ISharedRegister64, IHislipInstr and IPxi were not being properly registered. 6) Updated binaries from Visual Studio 2005 to 2008 and changed the runtime version that is included in the installer. Version 1.3, August 2010 1) Added shared USB-TMC kernel driver ausbtmc.sys. 2) Updated the header file visa.h to include HiSLIP (High Speed LAN Instrument Protocol) support. Version 1.2, July 2009 1) Added support for Windows Server 2003 and Windows 7. 2) Added Win64 version of visa32.dll that redirects to visa64.dll. Version 1.1, January 2009 1) Added Win64 support for Windows Vista. 2) Added Win64 shared version of visa64.dll. 3) Switched from MSXML3 runtime dependency to TinyXml static libary. 4) Renamed from "IVI VISA Standard Components" to "VISA Shared Components".