Power Integrity Testing Using Infiniium EXR-Series Oscilloscopes


Use the EXR-Series for your Power Integrity analysis


The EXR-Series oscilloscopes have adapted applications to study power integrity (PI) and check whether the desired voltage and current are met from source to destination


Knowing what to order for your power integrity analysis can be daunting, so we have simplified this task by summarizing the following hardware, software, probes, and accessories options you should consider for your Keysight Infiniium EXR-Series oscilloscope


Suggested Oscilloscope and Hardware Options


2 GHz bandwidth, 8-channel oscilloscope


50 MHz arbitrary waveform generator


16 digital logic channels

Suggested Software Options


Power Integrity Analysis Software


Power Supply Test Software


InfiniiScan Event Identification Software


Low Speed Protocol Bundle

Suggested Probes Options


2 GHz Power Rail Probe


High Sensitivity AC/DC Current Probe


Power Integrity


Power integrity is the study of how effectively power is converted and delivered from the source to the load within a system


To provide more features faster, electronic products have more dense integrated circuits but are susceptible to the effects of poor power


Using the right set of tools to test power integrity is critical for ensuring the success of your new electronic products