The Fundamentals of Signal Analysis

Application Notes

Chapter 1 Introduction

The analysis of electrical signals is a fundamental prob lem for many engineers and sci en tists. Even if the immediate problem is not electrical, the basic pa ram e ters of interest are often changed into electrical sig nals by means of transducers. Com mon transducers include ac cel er om e ters and load cells in mechanical work, EEG electrodes and blood pressure probes in biology and medicine, and pH and con duc tiv i ty probes in chemis try. The rewards for trans form ing physical pa ram e ters to electrical signals are great, as many instruments are available for the analysis of electri cal sig nals in the time, frequency and modal domains. The powerful mea sure ment and analysis ca pa bil ities of these instruments can lead to rapid understanding of the system under study.

This note is a primer for those who are unfamiliar with the advantages of analysis in the frequency and modal domains and with the class of analyzers we call Dynamic Signal Analyzers. In Chap ter 2 we develop the con cepts of the time, frequency and modal domains and show why these different ways of looking at a problem often lend their own unique insights. We then in tro duce classes of instrumentation available for analysis in these domains.