Configuration Guides
Keysight 86100D
DCA Wide-Bandwidth Oscilloscope Family
Configuration Guide
86100D Infiniium DCA-X Wide-Bandwidth Oscilloscope Mainframe
The 86100D DCA-X Wide-Bandwidth Oscilloscope is a modular platform that provides accurate and precise measurements on high-speed digital designs from 50 Mb/s to more than 80 Gb/s. Users configure the 86100D DCA-X mainframe by selecting from a variety of plug-in modules that perform precision optical, electrical, and TDR/ TDT measurements. Select specific modules to obtain the desired bandwidth, filtering, and sensitivity that match your measurement needs.
86100D Infiniium DCA-X Wide-Bandwidth Oscilloscope Mainframe (Continued)
54754A Differential and Single-ended TDR/TDT Module
Provides two 18-GHz channels that have built-in TDR step generators. The two channels work in tandem to provide differential or common mode TDR stimulus/response, or can be used independently. Either channel works as a normal oscilloscope vertical channel when the TDR/TDT step generators are not operating.
86105C 9 GHz Optical/20 GHz Electrical Sampling Module, 750 to 1650 nm—SMF and MMF
The 86105C plug-in module offers unprecedented wavelength and optical filter coverage for SONET/SDH and datacom/enterprise technologies up to 11.3 Gb/s.
86105D 20/34 GHz Optical, 35/50 GHz Electrical Module, 750 to 1650 nm, MMF and SMF
86108B Precision Waveform Analyzer
The 86108B Precision Waveform Analyzer, engineered for design and validation engineers that are faced with the difficult task of accurately characterizing the TRUE performance of their designs, combines three modules into one for unprecedented performance:
86112A 20 GHz Dual Channel Electrical Module
Provides two measurement channels with user-selectable bandwidth.
86115D 20/34 GHz Multi-Port 86100 Plug-in Module for High-Volume/Parallel Optical Transceiver Test
86116C 40 to 65 GHz Optical and 80 GHz Electrical Plug-in Modules
Both options
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