Application Notes
If you are designing electronic devices and you need to power up a design for the first time, there’s a good chance you will turn to a programmable power supply. Many vendors make programmable power supplies, and each one offers many different product lines and models. To sort through and find the best one for powering your design, you will have to turn to the power supply’s data sheet.
Remember that it is most important to start by knowing your design and how you plan on powering and testing it. What voltage, current, and power will be required? Is your device’s power consumption dynamic? Will you make measurements with the power supply? Once you know the answers to these questions, you will be ready to evaluate a power supply’s data sheet and be on your way to making the right choice for powering your design.
In this paper, we will focus on two power supply data sheets, one for the Sorensen DLM 60-10 programmable DC power supply and the Keysight N6756A high-performance, auto-ranging DC power module. Read more.
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