USB Modular instruments



Put a Bench in Your Bag

The next time you’re called out to solve tough problems in electronic

products or processes, leave the bulky transit cases behind. With Keysight Technologies, Inc.’s USB modular instrument (MI) family, you can easily carry powerful test gear in your bag along with your laptop PC.

Our line of MIs includes two oscilloscopes, a DMM, a function generator with arbitrary waveform capability, a source/measure unit and a 4x8 switch matrix. All provide USB 2.0 connectivity (with USBTMC-USB488) standard and plug-and-play simplicity for easy use on the go or on the bench.

Designing Excellence

Keysight U2700A series USB Modular Instruments won Design News’ Golden Mousetrap Award in the 2009 Best Products Category. Design News’ Awards Program highlights engineering innovation and product design creativity, and honors the best designs of the past year.

Keysight U2723A USB Source Measure Unit won the 20th Annual Electronic Design, Strategy, News (EDN) Innovation Award in the DC and Low-Frequency Test category. The EDN Innovation Awards recognizes engineering professionals and ground-breaking product designs in innovation and creativity, choosing its winners through a jury of peers.

USB Modular Instruments: Put a Bench in Your Bag

USB MI, U2701A/02A Oscilloscopes

Waveform measurement and analysis

U2701A/U2702A USB modular two-channel oscilloscopes

These USB scopes are available with bandwidths of either 100 MHz (U2701A) or 200 MHz (U2702A). Both provide 500 MSa/s sampling and 16 Mpts of memory per channel (1 GSa/s and 32 Mpts with two channels interleaved) to help you gain better insight into signal details. Advanced analysis capabilities built into the KMM scope software include waveform math and FFT with windowing. Other advanced features include:

With the included IVI-COM drivers, these scopes are compatible with popular development environments including Keysight VEE, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, C/C++ and Visual Basic 6, the Microsoft .NET Framework and LabVIEW.

Their small size makes these scopes ideal for standalone bench use as well as integration into system solutions with the U2781A chassis. Hi-Speed USB 2.0 compatibility makes connection to a PC quick and easy.

Dimensions (W x D x H)

117.00 x 180.00 x 41.00 mm with rubber bumpers

(4.61 x 7.09 x 1.61 inches)

105.00 x 175.00 x 25.00 mm without bumpers

(4.13 x 6.89 x 0.98 inches)

  •  Normal, averaging and peak-detect acquisition modes
  •  Advanced triggering including edge, pulse width and line- selectable video
  •  Manual, auto and tracking cursors with ΔT, ΔV and frequency measurements
  •  Over 25 measurement and math functions
  •  1,024-point FFT with Hanning, Hamming, Blackman-Harris, Rectangular and Flat Top windowing functions
  •  Dual-screen display with FFT function and keyboard shortcut keys (with KMM software)


Each scope includes an AC/DC adapter, a USB Standard-A to Mini-B interface cable and a passive probe (N2862A with U2701A; N2863A with U2702A). The table presents optional items that may be useful to you.

USB Modular Instruments: Put a Bench in Your Bag USB MI, U2741A DMM

Fundamental measurements with 5½ digits

U2741A USB modular digital multimeter

The U2741A USB DMM provides a broad range of essential features and 10 measurement functions: DC voltage and DC current; true-RMS AC voltage and AC current; two- and four-wire resistance; frequency; diode test; continuity; and temperature.

With the included IVI-COM drivers, this DMM is compatible with a variety of popular development environments. The U2741A is ready to be programmed directly using SCPI commands, and the included Command Logger and Code Converter tools simplify programming tasks.

Its small size makes this DMM ideal for standalone use on the bench as well as integration into system solutions. Flexible chassis triggering (master/slave/star/none) enables effective multi-DMM systems.

Dimensions (W x D x H)

117.00 x 180.00 x 41.00 mm with rubber bumpers

(4.61 x 7.09 x 1.61 inches)

105.00 x 175.00 x 25.00 mm without bumpers

(4.13 x 6.89 x 0.98 inches)