Understanding Dynamic Signal Analysis

Application Notes

This application note is a primer for those who are unfamiliar with the class of analyzers we call dynamic signal analyzers. These instruments are particularly appropriate for dynamic signal analysis in the range of a few millihertz to about a hundred kilohertz.


In this note, we avoid using rigorous mathematics and instead depend on heuristic arguments. We have found in over a decade of teaching this material that such arguments lead to a better understanding of the basic processes involved in dynamic signal analysis. Equally important, this heuristic instruction leads to better instrument operators who can intelligently use these analyzers to solve complicated measurement problems with accuracy and ease.

Referencing the Introduction to Time, Frequency, and Modal Domains, literature number 5998-6765EN, we introduced the concepts of the time, frequency, and modal domains and the types of instrumentation available for making measurements in each domain. We discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each generic instrument type and noted that the dynamic signal analyzer has the speed advantages of parallel-filter analyzers without their low-resolution limitations. In addition, it is the only type of analyzer that works in all three domains for a comprehensive dynamic signal analysis.

Through this app note, we will provide a fuller understanding of dynamic signal analysis. We begin by presenting the properties of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), upon which dynamic signal analyzers are based. We will show how these FFT properties cause some undesirable characteristics in spectrum analysis, like aliasing and leakage. Having demonstrated a potential difficulty with the FFT, we then show what solutions are used to make practical dynamic signal analyzers. Developing this basic knowledge of FFT characteristics makes it simple to get good results with a dynamic signal analyzer in a wide range of measurement problems.